Lemonade with the Kids

I know one of the top rules for a blog is posting fresh and new content on a regular basis. I realize that I haven’t posted an entry on this blog for 3 ½ months. I am still working hard to start my own business. I know that if I could work 40-60 hours a

Dear Recession, You Leave Me No Choice

I give up. I give in. I’m giving it my all. I’ve been out of work for a long time (let me repeat L-O-N-G) and I have been looking hard for a job. Job hunting during the recession has been a roller coaster ride. I’ve come close to landing great jobs and I’ve gone months

Getting Started

I’m looking forward to writing about my new adventure. Just need to collect a few thoughts before getting started – give me a few days. I’m glad to finally have a topic to explore and thus, a reason to try WordPress.